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[全碟歌詞]Green Day - 21 century breakdown

發表於 15-5-2009 15:39:22 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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搖滾界頭號教父級製作人Butch Vig(非凡人物合唱團、超脫合唱團)全力參與製作



出身美國加州的龐克樂團GreenDay,於1994年發行了石破天驚的大碟“道奇Dookie”,不僅全球銷量輕鬆突破1500萬張大關,拿下葛萊美獎「最佳另類音樂表演獎」的殊榮,更徹底改變這三個搖滾小子的一生!事隔10年,他們又再以專輯“美國大白痴AmericanIdiot”一舉拿下葛萊美「年度唱片」大獎的肯定,橫掃全球樂壇、旋風式創下逾1200萬張銷售紀錄。主唱兼吉他手比利喬(BillieJoe)、貝斯手麥克(Mike Drint)、鼓手崔酷兒(TreCool)三人,發跡於美西舊金山海灣區伯克萊地區的Gilman街,一個表彰美國次文化的發源地,也是反叛運動及龐克音樂的孕育之地,也就是其特殊文化背景,開始逐漸型塑他們獨有的個人創作精力及音樂風格。他們就像是一個搖滾弓箭手,以銳利精準的歌詞,讓所有虛偽假象立即致命,也讓他們成為全球最受歡迎的龐克音樂教父!

在經歷不可思議的美國大白痴風潮之後,Green Day的三位團員自2006年初就開始著手為新作“21stCentury Breakdown”進行創作、編曲、錄製…等工作,並特地找來全新的專輯製作夥伴Butch Vig,ButchVig可說是搖滾界的頭號教父,他不僅是垃圾合唱團的鼓手,同時也是打造許多知名作品,例如:非凡人物合唱團(The SmashingPumpkins)、超脫合唱團(Nirvana)、音速青春合唱團(Sonic Youth)的重量級製作人。此輯將整張作品分為“HeroesAnd Cons”、“Charlatans And Saints”、“Horseshoes AndHandgrenades”三大部分,並藉由克利斯坦(Christian)和葛洛莉亞(Gloria)這對愛侶作為主角,透過其故事來傳遞專輯想要探討的這個世紀人們所面對的混亂、不安、衝突…等多元現象,敢怒敢言、毫不手軟,一齣更強大、更露骨、更致命的新世紀搖滾歌劇就此上演!

專輯以迷人丰采所吟唱的「Song Of The Century」拉開了這場聖戰的序幕,緊接著結構多變的「21stCentury Breakdown」以五分鐘的時間點出整張專輯主軸。首發子彈「Know YourEnemy」步伐迅速輕快,在吉他聲興高采烈地鼓舞之下,確定炮火方向!女主角葛洛莉亞初登場,「¡Viva LaGloria!」以琴音悠揚引導,卻以熱血沸騰,轉化成一首燃燒青春的不悔輓歌。在誓死一搏之前,童年時光回憶湧現,將苦痛昇華成革命武器,「Before The Lobotomy」裝填著勇氣,絕不回頭!另一位主人翁克利斯坦快速奔跑,「Christian'sInferno」想要逃離心中煎熬的獄火。在死亡籠罩下的愛情就是一首魔鬼詩篇,「Last Night OnEarth」燦爛美好如夜晚戰場的炮火,心醉危險卻依舊奮不顧身。工業搖滾氣息播散的「East JesusNowhere」向政客嘔像發射滅絕之火,「Peacemaker」點燃舞動神經,絕對是盡情Moshing的最佳歌曲。「Last Of TheAmerican Girls」帶著海灘男孩合唱團(The Beach Boys)口吻繼續這場聖戰,「MurderCity」搖滾炮火猛烈,站在命運十字路口的「¿Viva La Gloria? (LittleGirl)」,用復古的方式表達自己的徬徨恐懼之後,接續唱著「Restless HeartSyndrome」這首受了重傷的抒情搖滾。有著Green Day最招牌式和弦的「Horseshoes AndHandgrenades」、爽朗自在的「The Static Age」,全都再度點燃高昂鬥志。在彈盡援絕時,「21Guns」帶著自省、延續著夢碎大道上的動人音符,「American Eulogy」決定孤注一擲,為了苦苦企盼的終點「See TheLight」的到來!

這個世界有太多的不平衡,在醜陋的利益分配下有太多的犧牲者,你我或許都改變不了這個荒謬的世界,但所幸我們還有Green Day,永遠和次文化肩並肩,一路忠實地記錄著….。■2009.05■

1. Song Of The Century
2. 21st Century Breakdown
3. Know Your Enemy
4. !Viva La Gloria!
5. Before The Lobotomy
6. Christian’s Inferno
7. Last Night On Earth
8. East Jesus Nowhere
9. Peacemaker
10. Last Of The American Girls
11. Murder City  
12. Viva La Gloria
13. Restless Heart Syndrome
14. Horseshoes And Handgrenades
15. The Static Age
16. 21 Guns
17. American Eulogy  
A. Mass Hysteria
B. Modern World
18. See The Light
19. Light out


Sing us a song of the century
That's louder than bombs
And eternity
The era of static and contraband
That's leading us to the promised land
Tell us a story that's by candlelight
Waging a war and losing the fight

They're playing the song of the century
Of panic and promise and prosperity
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me


Born into Nixon I was raised in hell
A welfare child where the teamsters dwelled
The last one born, the first one to run
My town was blind from refinery sun

My generation is zero
I never made it as a working class hero

21st century breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I am losing what's left of my mind
to the 20th century deadline

I was made of poison and blood
Condemnation is what I understood
Videogames to the tower's fall
Homeland Security could kill us all

My generation is zero
I never made it as a working class hero

21st century breakdown
I once was lost but never was found
I think I am losing what's left of my mind
to the 20th century deadline

We are the Class of 13
Born in the era of humility
We are the desperate in the decline
Raised by the bastards of 1969

My name is no one
The long lost son
Born on the 4th of July

Raised in an era of heroes and cons
That left me for dead or alive

I am a nation
A worker of pride
my debt to the status quo

the scars on my hands
and the means to an end
is all that I have to show

I swallowed my pride
and I choked on my faith
I've given my heart and my soul
I've broken my fingers
and lied through my teeth
the pillar of damage control

I've been to the edge
and I've thrown the bouquet
of flowers left over the grave
I sat in the waiting room
wasting my time
and waiting for judgement day

I praise liberty
the "freedom to obey"
is the song that strangles me.
Don't cross the line

Dream, America dream,
I can't even sleep
from the light's early dawn

Scream, America scream
Believe what you see from heroes and cons?


Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Violence is an energy
Against the enemy
Violence is an energy

Bringing on the fury
The choir infantry
Revolt against the honor to obey

Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
Burning down the foreman of control

Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
So rally up the demons of your soul

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

The insurgency will rise
When the blood's been sacrificed
Don't be blinded by the lies
In your eyes.

Violence is an energy
From here to eternity
Violence is an energy
Silence is the enemy
So gimme, gimme revolution

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Do you know the enemy?
Do you know your enemy?
Well, gotta know the enemy

Overthrow the effigy
The vast majority
Burning down the foreman of control

Silence is the enemy
Against your urgency
So rally up the demons of your soul


參與人數 1樂點 +8 收起 理由
kin111 + 8



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 樓主| 發表於 15-5-2009 15:41:30 | 只看該作者

Hey Gloria
Are you standing close to the edge
Look at the setting sun
Break up your vision
Eternal youth
Is the landscape of the lie

The cracks of my skin can prove
As the years will testify
Say your prayers and light a fire
We're going to start a war
Your slogans a gun for hire
it's what we waited for

Hey Gloria,

This is why we're on the edge
The fight of our lives been drawn to
This undying love

Gloria, Viva La Gloria
You blast your name
In graffiti on the walls
Falling Through broken glass that's
slashing through your spirit
I can hear it like a jilted crowd

Gloria, where are you Gloria
You found a home
In all your scars and ammunition
You made your bed in salad days
Amongst the ruins
Ashes to ashes of our own

She smashed her knuckles into winter
As autumns wind fades into black
She is the saint of all the sinners
The one that's fallen through the cracks
So don't put away your burning light

Gloria, Where are you are Gloria
Don't lose your faith
to your lost naivety
Weather the storm and don't look
Back on last November
When your banners were burning down

Gloria, viva la Gloria
send me your amnesty down
To the broken hearted
bring us the season
That we always will remember
Don't let the bonfires go out

So Gloria,
Send out your message of the light
that shadows in the night.
Gloria, where's your undying love?
tell me the story of your life

I am only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from.

I can hear them singing.
When the rain had washed away
All these scattered dreams

Everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline

There is no more laughter
Songs of yesterday
Now live in the underground

Life before the lobotomy
Christian sang the eulogy
Sign my love a lost memory
From the end of the century

Well, it's enough to make you sick
To cast a stone and throw a brick
When the sky is falling down
It burned your dreams into the ground

Christian's lesson is what he's been sold
We are normal and self-controlled
Remember to learn to forget
Whiskey shots and cheap cigarettes

Well I'm not stoned
I'm just **ed up
I got so high I can't stand up
I'm not cursed 'cause I've been blessed
I'm not in love 'cause I'm a mess

Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
Like refugees
We're lost like refugees
The brutality of reality
Is the freedom that keeps me from

I was only dreaming
Of another place and time
Where my family's from.

I can hear them singing.
When the rain had washed away
All these scattered dreams

Everyone's reminded
Hearts are washed in misery
Drenched in gasoline

There is no more laughter
Songs of yesterday
Now live in the underground

I got under the grip
Between the modern hell
I got the rejection letter in the mail and
It was already ripped to shreds.
Seasons in a ruin and
This bitter pill is chased with blood.
There's fire in my veins
And it's pouring out like a flood

Woah, Christian's inferno
Woah, Christian's inferno
Woah, Christian's inferno
Woah, Christian's inferno

This diabolic state is gracing my existence
Like a catastrophic baby
Maybe maybe you're the chemical reaction
I am the atom bomb
I am the chosen one
Toxin your reservoir
And then return man to ape

Woah, Christian's inferno
Woah, Christian's inferno
Woah, Christian's inferno
Woah, Christian's inferno

I text a postcard, sent to you
Did it go through?
Sending all my love to you.
You are the moonlight of my life every night
Giving all my love to you
My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles 'til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you.

With every breath that I am worth
Here on Earth
I'm sending all my love to you.
So if you dare to second guess
You can rest assured
That all my love's for you

My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles 'til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
I'm sending all my love to you.

My beating heart belongs to you
I walked for miles 'til I found you
I'm here to honor you
If I lose everything in the fire
Did I ever make it through?

Raise your hands now to testify
Your confession will be crucified
You're a sacrificial suicide
Like a dog that's been sodomized
Stand up! - all the white boys
Sit down! - all the black girls
You're the soldiers of the new world

Put your faith in a miracle
And it's non-denominational
Join the choir we will be singing
In the church of wishful thinking

A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the faith fanatics

Oh bless me lord for I have sinned
It's been a lifetime since I last confessed
I threw my crutches in "the river of a shadow of doubt"
And I'll be dressed in my Sunday best

Say a prayer for the family
Drop a coin for humanity
Ain't this uniform so flattering?
I never asked you for a goddamned thing

A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the faith fanatics

Don't test me
Second guess me
Protest me
You will disappear

I want to know who's allowed to breed
All the dogs who never learned to read
Missionary politicians
And the cops of a new religion

A fire burns today
Of blasphemy and genocide
The sirens of decay
Will infiltrate the inside


Well, I've got a fever
A non-believer
I'm in a state of grace
For I am the Caesar
I'm gonna seize the day
Well, call of the banshee, hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
As God as my witness
The infidels are gonna pay

Well, call the assassin
The orgasm
A spasm of love and hate
For what will divide us?
The righteous and the meek
Well, call of the wild, hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
Death to the girl at the end of the serenade

Vendetta, sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite

I am a killjoy from Detroit
I drink from a well of rage
I feed off the weakness with all my love
Call up the captain, hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
Death to the lover that you were dreaming of

This is a stand-off
A Molotov cocktail
On the house
You thought I was a write-off
You better think again
Call the peacemaker, hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
I'm gonna send you back to the place where it all began

Vendetta, sweet vendetta
This beretta of the night
This fire and the desire
Shots ringing out on a holy parasite

Well now the caretaker's the undertaker
Now I'm gonna go out and get the peacemaker
This is the Neo St. Valentine's massacre
Well call up the Gaza, hey hey
Hey hey hey hey hey
Death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade
Well, death to the ones at the end of the serenade

She puts her makeup on
Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland
She's got her little book of conspiracies
Right in her hand
She is paranoid like
Endangered species headed into extinction
She is one of a kind
She's the last of the American girls

She wears her overcoat
For the coming of the nuclear winter
She is riding her bike
Like a fugitive of critical mass
She's on a hunger strike
For the ones who won't make it for dinner
She makes enough to survive
For a holiday of working class

She's a runaway of the establishment incorporated.
She won't cooperate
She's the last of the American girls

She plays her vinyl records
Singing songs on the eve of destruction
She's a sucker for
All the criminals breaking the laws
She will come in first
For the end of western civilization
She's an endless war
Like a hero for the lost cause
Like a hurricane
In the heart of the devastation
She's a natural disaster
She's the last of the American girls

She puts her makeup on
Like graffiti on the walls of the heartland
She's got her little book of conspiracies
Right in her hand
She will come in first
For the end of western civilization
She's a natural disaster
She's the last of the American girls


But not hopeless
I feel so useless
In the murder city
But not helpless
The clock strikes midnight
In the murder city

I'm wide awake
After the riot
This demonstration
Of our anguish
This empty laughter
Has no reason
Like a bottle
Of your favorite poison

We are the last call
And we're so pathetic

But not hopeless
I feel so useless
In the murder city
But not helpless
The clock strikes midnight
In the murder city

Christian's crying
In the bathroom
And I just want to
Bum a cigarette
We've come so far,
We've been so wasted
It's written
All over our faces

We are the last call
And we're so pathetic

But not hopeless
I feel so useless
In the murder city
But not helpless
The clock strikes midnight
In the murder city
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 樓主| 發表於 15-5-2009 15:43:45 | 只看該作者


Little girl, little girl
Why are you crying?
Inside your restless soul, your heart is dying.
Little one, little one
Your soul is purging
Of love and razor blades
Your blood is surging

Run away
From the river to the street
And find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home
When you got no place to go

Little girl, little girl
Your life is calling
The charlatans and saints of abandon
Little one, little one
The sky is falling
The lifeboat of deception is now sailing
In the wake all the way
No rhyme or reason
Your bloodshot eyes
Will show your heart of treason
Little girl, little girl
You dirty liar
You're just a junkie
Preaching to the choir

Run away
To your lost tranquility
And find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the dregs of humanity
There is no place like home
When you got no place to go

The traces of blood
Always follow you home
Like the mascara tears
From your getaway
You're walking with blisters
And running with shears
So unholy
Sister of grace.

Run away
From the river to the street
And find yourself with your face in the gutter
You're a stray for the salvation army
There is no place like home
When you got no place to go


I've got a really bad disease
It's got me begging
On my hands and knees
So take me to emergency
'Cause something seems to be missing
Somebody take the pain away
It's like an ulcer bleeding in my brain
Send me to the pharmacy
So I can lose my memory
I'm elated
Lord knows I tried to find a way to run away.

I think they found another cure
For broken hearts and feeling insecure
You'd be surprised what I endure
What makes you feel so self-assured?

I need to find a place to hide
You never know what could be
Waiting outside
The accidents that you could find
It's like some kind of suicide

So what ails you is what impales you
I feel like I've been crucified to be satisfied

I'm a victim of my symptom
I am my own worst enemy
You're a victim of your symptom
You are your own worst enemy
Know your enemy.

I'm elated
I am my own worst enemy
So what ails you is what impales you
You are your own worst enemy
You're a victim of the system
You are your own worst enemy
You're a victim of the system
You are your own worst enemy


I'm not **ing around
I think I'm coming out
All the deceivers and cheaters
I think we've got a bleeder right now
Want you to slap me around
Want you to knock me out
Well, you missed me, kissed me
Now you better kick me down

Maybe you're the runner-up
But the first one to lose the race
Almost only really counts in
Horseshoes and hand grenades

I'm gonna burn it all down
I'm gonna rip it out
Well, everything that you employ
Was meant for me to destroy
To the ground now
So don't you ** me around
Because I'll shoot you down
I'm gonna drink, fight, and **
And pushing my luck
All the time now

Maybe you're the runner-up
But the first one to lose the race
Almost only really counts in
Horseshoes and hand grenades

Demolition, self-destruction
What to annihilate
The age-old contradiction
Demolition, self-destruction
What to annihilate
The old age

I'm not **ing around
I think I'm coming out
All the deceivers and cheaters
I think we've got a bleeder right now
I'm not **ing around


Can you hear the sound of the static noise?
Blasting out in stereo
Cater to the class and the paranoid
Music to my nervous system
Advertising love and religion
Murder on the airwaves
Slogans on the brink of corruption
Vision of blasphemy, war and peace
Screaming at you

I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
In stereo in the static age

Billboard on the rise in the dawn's landscape
Working your insanity
Tragic a'la madness and concrete
Coca-Cola execution
Conscience on a cross and
Your hearts in a vice
Squeezing out your state of mind
Are what you own that you cannot buy
What a **ing tragedy, strategy
Screaming at you.

I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
In stereo in the static age

I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
In stereo in the static age

Hey hey, it's the static age
This is how the west was won
Hey hey, it's the static age millennium

All I want to know
Is a god-damned thing
Not what's in the medicine
All I want to do is
I want to breathe
Batteries are not included
What's the latest way that a man can die
Screaming hallelujah?
Singing out "the dawn's early light"
The silence of the rotten, forgotten
Screaming at you.

I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
In stereo in the static age

I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
In stereo in the static age

I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
In stereo in the static age

I can't see a thing in the video
I can't hear a sound on the radio
In stereo in the static age
The static age


Do you know what's worth fighting for,
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?
Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul
Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire?
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins.

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms
Give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky,
You and I
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 樓主| 發表於 15-5-2009 15:44:22 | 只看該作者

Sing us the song of the century
That sings like American eulogy
The dawn of my love and conspiracy
Of forgotten hope and the class of 13
Tell me a story into that goodnight
Sing us a song for me

Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria

Red alert is the color of panic
Elevated to the point of static
Beating into the hearts of the fanatics
And the neighborhood's a loaded gun
Idle thought leads to full-throttle screaming
And the welfare is asphyxiating
Mass confusion is all the new rage
And it's creating a feeding ground
For the bottom feeders of hysteria

Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria

True sounds of maniacal laughter
And the deaf-mute is misleading the choir
The punchline is a natural disaster
And it's sung by the unemployed
Fight fire with a riot
The class war is hanging on a wire
Because the martyr is a compulsive liar
When he said
"It's just a bunch of niggers throwing gas into the hysteria"

Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria
Mass hysteria

There's a disturbance on the oceanside
They tapped into the reserve
The static response is so unclear now
Mayday, this is not a test!
As the neighborhood burns, America is falling
Vigilantes warning you
Calling Christian and Gloria

[II. Modern World]

I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world

I'm the class of 13
In the era of dissent
A hostage of the soul
On a strike to pay the rent
The last of the rebels
Without a common ground
I'm gonna light a fire
Into the underground

I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world

I am a nation
Without bureaucratic ties
Deny the allegation as it's written

I want to take a ride to the great divide
Beyond the "up to date"
And the neo-gentrified
The high definition for the low resident
Where the value of your mind
Is not held in contempt
I can hear the sound of
A beating heart
That bleeds beyond a system
That's falling apart
With money to burn
On minimum wage
'Cause I don't give a shit
About the modern age

I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
I don't want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria
I don't want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria
I don't want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria
I don't want to live in the modern world
Mass hysteria


I crossed the river
Fell into the sea
Where the non-believers
Go beyond belief
Then I scratched the surface
In the mouth of hell
Running out of service
In the blood I fell

I just want to see the light
I don't want to lose my sight
I just want to see the light
I need to know what's worth the fight

I've been wasted
Pills and alcohol
I've been chasing
Down the pool halls
Then I drank the water
From a hurricane
And I set a fire
Just to see the flame

I just want to see the light
I don't want to lose my sight
I just want to see the light
I need to know what's worth the fight

I crossed the desert
Reaching higher ground
Then I pound the pavement
To take the liars down
But it's gone forever
But never too late
Where the ever-after
Is in the hands of fate

I just want to see the light
I don't want to lose my sight
I just want to see the light
I need to know what's worth the fight


Lights out, here comes the night,
As the darkness falls over the light
Lights out, there goes the day
And this fear that comes won't go away

And I'm losing track of time
In the corners of my mind
And I'm living out my private suicide

Lights out, I lost myself
In the space between heaven and hell
Lights out, finding my way
Till i waste my time losing the way
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